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Emma Presutti
President | Executive Director

Emma is driven by her interest in how companies, impact investors and global institutions can work with what they already have and do to seed new solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation.

She leads CHÔRA's climate change domain. In that capacity she widens organisation’s understanding of climate change and its systemic, variable, unpredictable dynamics, and then works with leaders to situate the implications for their organisations, and converge on new options and pathways. Emma has successfully embedded systemic Climate Portfolios within organisations and set-up teams to allocate resources and design strategies in an accelerated 3-month cycle.

Prior to CHÔRA, she worked for Boston Consulting Group, where she was a key member of the energy practice, and gained a breadth of experience in strategy, problem-framing, stakeholder and program management within ASX50 companies.

Luca Gatti
Chair | Non-executive Director

Luca is driven by a profound passion for fostering resilience and renewal through generative and evolutionary design principles.

As CHÔRA’s public sector lead, Luca draws on his extensive experience in advising entities (Metropolitan Area of Milan and Generali Group) and global organisations (UNESCO and UNDP) on innovation strategies and organisational renewal to lead CHÔRA's public sector initiatives. Additionally, he oversees key projects as a knowledge lead and supports transformational programs through senior leadership coaching.

Luca's commitment to challenging conventional boundaries of strategy by brining in resilience and renewal principles is formative of a deep exploration into hermeneutics, policy and strategy. His long-standing and diverse expertise across public sector, academia and business helps steer the organisation’s strategic direction. His background in academia has included prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, College de France, and the Scuola Normale where his teachings and research have contributed to a deepened understanding of the social dynamics in human systems.

Raul Corrêa-Smith
Non-executive Director

Raul is dedicated to processes of collective engagement that spark flexibility within social systems that are generative of meaning, intelligence, imagination, and a renewal of intents for people and organizations.

He brings to CHÔRA his experience as content director of MOTI Foundation, where he co-lead a global network at the intersection of museum practice and futures work, and where he has developed cultural initiatives that approach some of the challenges of our times through compelling narratives that invite collective exchange within diverse social arrangements.

Raul has a background in architecture, teaching design studios focused on urban futures that often include cultural exchange trips, exhibitions, and workshops bringing students to dynamically engage with the people and places they are designing for. He has also practiced architecture working on projects of various scales, contexts, and purposes. He is a graduate of Columbia University and has an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan.

Anita Tarrini
Board Secretary

Anita is passionate about her work at CHÔRA - working closely with the team and our network of collaborators in a myriad of ways.

This passion provides her with a steady source of motivation that drives her to always do her best, no matter how varied the task. Anita’s experience in office management, bookkeeping, travel and event planning and executive support roles allow her to anticipate her coworkers' needs while working in a complex and multi-stakeholder context.

Within and outside of work, she likes exploring the dynamics of change which she faces with energy and dedication.